Crushed Heart of Jesus

Crushed Heart of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as revealed to Claire Ferchaud :


Claire Ferchaud Asked to Have The Sacred Heart Placed On Flag Of France

In 1916, during World War I, Jesus is said to have appeared the young woman, Claire Ferchaud, from the Vendee part of France.  She was told to have the Sacred Heart placed on the tricolored French Flag (on the white section in the middle).  She was also asked to have it put on all the soldiers uniforms.

clair1She met President Raymond Poincare and asked for him to become Catholic and to reject Freemasonry.  She told him secrets that no one could have known about his family.  He promised to put the Sacred Heart on the flag, but never did.

She then wrote letters to all the generals in France, but only one, General Foch, consecrated the French arm forces and the allies to the Sacred Heart.  At the 2nd Battle of Marne, he won a decisive battle of the war and saved Paris from the German Army.

Many of the soldiers were given flyers that explained what Jesus had asked and some of them wore the Sacred Heart badge.

This is what is said to have transpired when Jesus appeared to Claire.  “He bared his sacred heart, and told her that God was on the side of France, and would lead the country to victory – so long as the country confessed its sins and rediscovered its true faith. Jesus pointed towards the wound on his heart, and explained “This signifies the official atheism of France.” Since the revolution, the French had denied their faith and substituted secular laws for the Gospel.”

Jesus said that; “His Heart was broken and slashed by the sins of mankind.  But He had an even deeper wound, that people do not believe in God.”


List of Promises of our Merciful Savior to Sr. Claire Ferchaud, Loublande / France.

“I come, not to bring terror among you; I am the God of love, the God who forgives and wants to save you all.”

“My grace will work with great power on sinners who, without contrition, kneel before the picture of My Broken Heart, so that they will arise converted.”

“I will forgive their sins, even before the absolution, to those who with a true love kiss the picture of My Broken Heart.”

“My glance will touch the hearts of the indifferent and will inflame them with fervor so that they will practice goodness.”

“A single act of love, with the plea for forgiveness towards this picture, will be enough for Me to open heaven to the soul which, in the last hour, must appear before Me.”

“When some refuse to believe in the truths of the (Catholic) religion, one can put the picture of My Broken Heart in their room (dwelling) without their knowledge.  It will bring, through the wonder of graces, sudden and supernatural conversions.”

Wikipedia says that Sr. Claire of Jesus Crucified was later rejected by the Church??  But when the apparitions were taking place, she asked for and was granted a perpetual Mass for France, which was approved by Msgr Humbrecht, the bishop of Poitiers, France on June 11, 1918.

What is important about her mission, is that she seems to be chosen by God to restore France, The First Daughter of the Church, to Catholicism.  It was also to get rid of the secular humanist laws and government.  The secularist materialistic philosophy that caused the French Revolution, then spread from France, all over the world.  It was just like what happened with Russian Communism that also spread all over the world.  Marxist Communism is just another child of secular humanism that was behind the French Revolution and is continued by the masons all over the world.

frenchroyalists_sacredheartHumanistic Secularism replaces God with Man, puts Science above Theology.  They believe that by simply voting, the common man can come up with good laws.  Equality, Fraternity, and Liberty.

We are so fortunate to be traditional Catholics and have God as our law giver, provider and protector.

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