Summary deviation of false “Resistance”
Suspect : Devotion of Divine Mercy by Sr Faustina ?
Pius XII – allocutio
Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of Mass
Catholic Church has been infiltrated
Catholic Church has been infiltrated, already 100 years ago, step by step. This is the mean reason of its crisis. It has been proven by Don Luigi Villa, a theologian sent by Padre Pio to the Vatican, with the mission to unmask the infiltrated in the Church. Here you have Continuer à lire →
Words of Wisdom
Miracles only in catholic religion
Commonitory of Saint Vincent of Lerins – theaching of Churchfathers
The myth of the Spanish inquisition – it was in fact a soft court !
Church in revolt at Francis’ ‘blessing’ of Islam’s expansion in Europe
Lourdes (Life)
Burmese Buddist Monk saw Gautama Budda in… hell
Saint Thomas Aquinas about immigration
Moslims returned by grace of God
Danger of paranormal and healings
Some (38) errors or heresies of Martin Luther
As we approach the five hundred year anniversary of the Protestant reformulation on October 31, 2017, it is good for us to look back and examine how that all worked out for them. For, how are we to judge the fruit of tree over the last 500 years unless we Continuer à lire →
Crushed Heart of Jesus
Atheism… Bible : “The fool says there is no God”.
Last Judgement
N.O. “Cardinal” Burke confirms !
Apocalyps chapter 12
Question of an heretical pope 5 : Professor Arnaldo Xavier Da Silveira
Joint declaration of 4 priests against the errors of “false resistance groups”
“Credo in Unam” a proposal of program of restauration
Mgr Williamson gave confirmation in heretic chapel
What is feeneyism : Feeney is a Boston priest condamned by Pius XII for having rejected the baptise of desire, teached by the Council of Trent. “Feeneyism” in wikipedia Mgr Williamson confers confirmation in heretic (feeneyist) chapel : Let us pray for the conversion of the heretics. Vivere Continuer à lire →