is Latin for : “abundant fountain”
a name given by the Church fathers
to the Church and the sources of faith, to the Tradition
In the same time this word is an Acronym
of :
Sancta Catholica Apostolica Traditionalis Una
Romana Regina Ecclesia Xti (Christi)
“Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Traditional, One, Roman,
Queen, Church, of Christ”
… it’s like a program.
This website will give information
that can interest all faithful
and about the apostolate of Father Eric Jacqmin.
Sedevacantism :
We prove in this site that a pope looses his papacy by an external and public heresy. This is the case for the actual higher clergy. So there is no pope actually. That a converted Paul VI is still living, as some people states, would be rather a miracle.