Since Paul VI and his successors are anti-popes for the sake of clear and public heresies, the rulings of Pius XII are still in force, for example, with regard to fast and abstinence.
1) For the U.K :
One can find this rules for the U.K. in the “Catechism simply explained” of UK by Canon Cafferata (1954) :
1) Abstinence:
- means :
abstain from meat and meat-water (gravy) ; fish, eggs and milk products, as well as products of or with animal fats are allowed.
- when :
on all Fridays of the year
on the four fast days
- who:
all Catholics from the age of 7 for life
2) Fast:
- means :
one eats only one full meal a day (food satisfying), at noon (or in the evening), but a small quantity of food is allowed in the morning and in the evening (or at noon).
- when :
on Ash Wednesday,
Good Friday,
December 7th (vigil of the Immaculate Conception)
and December 24th (Christmas Eve)
- who:
all Catholics from 21 years to 60 years
3) Eucharistic fast :
- who:
everyone who goes to communion must be sober
- when :
for believers up to Communion, (for priests up to the beginning of the Mass):
- means:
– 3 hours of sobering of all food and alcoholic beverages
-1 hour sober for all other drinks
-water and medicines are always allowed.
Other Comments:
A doctor can dispense due to illness or physical weakness. A bishop or pastor can dispense the faithful because of other difficulties (for example, very heavy physical labor, where one would need meat)
A day lasts 24 hours and runs from midnight to midnight. You can choose between the legal hour and the actual hour (solar hour).
If there is doubt, you should consult the pastor, who can decide.
These are the minimum requirements imposed by the Church at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but each perform more. The conditions are that one may not weaken in such a way that one can no longer perform his daily duties properly, or that one harms his health.
Do not forget to stay humble, because the pride ruins everything and takes away all the merits (eg thinking: “see what I can do and do!”).
Last but not least, it does not forget to do everything out of love for God, if not for nothing: read 1 Cor 13: “if I give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, it benefits me nothing”.
2) For the USA :
Source : Baltimore Catechism N# 3
The rules are the same as in the U.K. except :
- abstinence : catholics above 7 years make take meat, but only on the principal meal on days of partial abstinence, which are Ember Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the vigils of Pentecost and of All Saints Day.
- fast and abstinence on Holy Saturday : meat may not be taken till midnight, when both abstinence and fast cease (but some bishops in the USA dispensed).
3) For other countries :
the particular rules must be found in the catechisms of your country before the heresies of Vat II : before 21st November 1964
I wish you much devotion!
“Who does more than this minimum imposed by the Church, wil have more merits !”