Sacraments received from excommunicated persons

Code of Canon Law CIC 1917

Can. 2260

Ҥ1. The excommunicated shall be prohibited from producing and administering the sacraments and sacraments, with the following exceptions.

Ҥ2. The faithful may, subject to paragraph 3, ask an excommunicate for the sacraments and sacramentals for any valid reason, especially when the other ministers are absent, and then such excommunicate may administer them without being obliged to inquire into the reason for the request.

“§3. But as regards excommunicated ‘vitandi’ (‘to be shunned’) or other excommunicated persons who have been condemned or declared, the faithful may ask them for sacramental absolution only in mortal danger, in accordance with can. 882; can. 2252 or even, in the absence of other ministers, the other sacraments and sacramentals.”

– The principle = it is forbidden –

The text says it is forbidden to give and receive sacraments from excommunicated persons. This is the principle!

– The exception confirms the rule –

But the Codex gives an exception: ‘ex iusta causa’, ‘for a valid reason’, and if the minister is not an excommunicated convict or vitandus (to be avoided).

So the faithful must have a valid reason.

The issue is the sacraments and sacramentals, not Sunday sermons by a schismatic and or heretic who may thereby endanger the faith, which must be avoided at all costs, it is the first commandment of God.

If someone has been without sacraments for a long time, this is a valid reason to confess and receive communion at the FSSPX because they have not yet been excommunicated with a sentence. Of course, this is an exception but possible.

God protect you.

Fr Eric Jacqmin+

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