Censorship – Law on Books

Any publication of religion requires permission from the Church. Also, any reading of a religious publication not approved by the Church is prohibited.

So any publication must have an acknowledgment such as “imprimatur”, “imprimi potest”, “evulgetur” or a preface written by a bishop, before 1964, or must originate simultaneously from a priest of an official bishop (sedevacantist etc.).

The 1917 Code of Canon Law which is still valid (because the 1983 code was published by a heretic John Paul II and is therefore not valid) requires that, for every publication on religion or moral questions, every text or even an pious image, must first be reviewed and approved by the Magistry of the Church, i.e.by a responsible bishop (diocese bishop or an “Ordinarius” by suppletion) or his appointed delegate (called “censor”).

See for this the text of the code of the Church itself : Canon law nrs 1384 to 1405

(there existe no english translation on line at this time)


in French :


The Church does this for the sake of warding off all error and heresy to the faithful entrusted to her by God. Because heresy leads to ruin the faith and the supernatural life.

Jesus said to the unbelievers and heretics of his day: “You will die in your sins.” So an heresy is a mortal sin, but even a sin that is trowing the formal heretic out of the Church.

Since Vaticanum II is heretical, all those who have accepted Vaticanum II are heretics. If they are not aware of it they are “material” heretics, if they are aware and warned by the Church’s authorities, they are “formal” heretics.

Even a material heretic must be put aside to avoid he contaminates the rest of the members of the Church. If he has a charge in the Church (parish priest or diocese bishop etc..), he is automatically excommunicated by Canon Law :

“Through tacit resignation, accepted by the law itself, all offices become vacant ipso facto and without any declaration if a cleric: …
n.4. Has publicly forsaken the Catholic Faith.”

 (Ob tacitam renuntiationem ab ipso iure admissam quaelibet officia vacant ipso facto et sine ulla declaratione, si clericus: …
4 A fide catholica publice defecerit.)

But a formal heretic (warned two times by the church and remaining obstinate) is excommunicated definitely until public repentance, abjuration and absolution of his excommunication.

The current Catholic bishops (sedevacantists) have received from God all substitute jurisdiction, for the Church can never cease to function properly. “The gates of hell will never prevail against her” says Jesus in the Gospel.

Please take this into account for all editors even by blogs on internet and because it pleases God and it is even a very severe ban by God and His Church.

Fr. Eric Jacqmin

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